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Parent & Student Resources

On this page you will find a number of resources to help you navigate the school system as well as important forms, enrollment information, and student programs. Click on a thumbnail below for more information.

Quick Links

Links and Resources

Alert Now Recorded Messages

Alert Now: Connect 5

Rockingham County Schools utilizes the Alert Now: Connect 5 Phone Notification Service.


We will be utilizing the Alert Now: Connect 5 service for: 

  • Back to School                       

  • Parent Conferences

  • Special Events

  • End of Grade Testing Dates    

  • Sports Cancellations               

  • Report Card Distribution                                                                                 

  • Make Up School Day Reminder

  • PTO/PTA/PTSO/Booster Clubs

  • Emergency Messages

  • Attendance / Absence Notification

The district will be utilizing the Alert Now:Connect 5 service for:

  • Weather Related Information                                 

  • Emergency Messages  

  • Other Important Information                                                                                                                            


To update your primary and emergency contact information, please call school (336-427-3266) and ask for Mrs. Angie Martin.


To receive a replay of school and district messages sent to your phone, call 1-855-4-REPLAY or 1-855-473-7529.


Anyone who accidentally opted out of their RCS/school automated phone calls can easily opt back in. Call 855-502-7867 and select option 2. The call MUST be made from the opt-in phone number, which means schools cannot add a phone number for families.  We don't want you to miss any important messages!


Transcripts of the current school year's messages




RCS HomeBase Parent Portal

The link mentioned in the first step is also a Quick Link on our school's homepage.  Please go to to get started.







































































Alert Now

Teacher Webpages

Teacher Webpages
Read to Achieve
Teenagers in Library

Read to Achieve

Read To Achieve is a part of the Excellent Schools Act passed into NC law in July 2012 and applies to all schools beginning 2013-2014 school year. Read To Achieve focuses on preparing students to be proficient readers by the end of 3rd grade. Click the link below to learn more about Read to Achieve as well as other elementary resources. 

Parent Involvement
Father with his Son

Title I Parent and Family Engagement

Huntsville is a Title I School.


Please click here to read our school's Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy.



Sight Words
Recommended Resources
Teacher and Students in Science Class

Recommended Resources

Our teachers have contributed the following resources.  If you have found a great resource, please let us know.

Before and After School Care


Site Coordinator:  Debbie Fulp

Site Coordinator is on site 6:30 to 9:15 and 2:00 to 6:00


Operation Times: 6:30 to 7:30 and 2:00 to 6:00.

Open on teacher workdays and during summer break. 


Phone:  336-427-4921

Online Safety

Students in Rockingham County Schools are blessed to have access to a number of online programs that facilitate learning.  Your child's RCS Net ID/Google ID and password provide access to his or her media center's eBooks and his/her library account information (overdues, holds, etc.), additional eBooks via OverDrive, videos and other learning objects via Discovery Education, and digital production via Google Drive and Wixie.  Your child's teacher will make you aware if he/she is using any other online programs including, but not limited to: ScootPad, LearnZillion, IXL, and Quia.


If you have not had "the talk", with your child about online safety and the permanence of content that they publish online, the following information may be helpful to you:



View Only Copy of Core Math presentation 


NCWiseOWL:  Produced by the Resources Development and Evaluation Section of the Instructional Technology Division of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), this resource provides links to electronic databases and reviewed websites that students can use to complete project-based learning assignments. For older children in the home, please click Middle School Zone or High School Zone to be directed to other age appropriate resources.


Destiny (Library Software)

If the above link is not working, or if it clocks, but never loads, please click here to report the outage, to let us know that your child's log in is not working, or to request that your child's information be sent home again.   The My Info. tab lets students see what they have checked out and when it is due back. Students can renew their own books.  The Catalog tab allows students to search for books, place holds for books, and write reviews for books that they have read.


Discovery Education 

Your child's Net ID and password provides them access to educational videos, science content, and much more.


Google Drive

Your child's Net ID login with added to it and your child's Net ID password provide access to Google docs that your child's teacher has shared with him/her and allow your child to use the applications within Google Drive.



After clicking on the Google button, enter your child's Net ID with added to it and your child's Net ID password provide access to a collection of collaborative online applications that your child can use to showcase and organize his or her learning.


Huntsville's IXL Log In Page 

Your child's Net ID and password are all he/she needs to access our math practice program, IXL.  Students can use IXL to practice grade level math skills currently being introduced in the classroom and/or keep practicing skills he/she learned during previous years.


Renaissance Place Home Connect 

Your child's A.R. log in provides information about their scores on quizzes, their progress in the current A.R. period, their previous quizzes, and even allows you to sign up for email notifications.


Fundations:  Used in Kindergarten through Second grade, this program provides a strong foundation in phonological/phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling.


U.S. Department of Education (USDE):  A link to the USDE pamphlet series,  "Helping Your Child".


Math Facts Practice:  A link to PowerPoint flashcards to help with learning and retaining addition and subtraction facts.


Quia: Pronounced (kee-ah), this webpage allows users to search all shared activities that are published via Quia Web (subscription service that allows teachers to create online activities).  Just choose a subject area to get started. Fill in Keyword and/or use Sub-Category information to help narrow your search.


IXL Math--N.C. Standards: A collection of practice problems that go along with the N.C. State Math standards.


GameQuarium--Math:  Some games are better than others, but with thousands to choose from, every child should be able to find something he or she likes.


Arcade Type Math Games (computation skills tied to racing-type or blasting-type games)


Common Core Slide Rocket--presented during March 15, 2012 meeting 


The Best Children's Books.orgSearch for books that match up with topics and subjects that are interesting to your child.


Core Math--Spanish 


Multiplication Facts Timed Quizzes Online

Just click on the fact family that your child needs to practice.



Sick Child
Grandma's Healing Touch

My Child is Sick. Should they stay home?

When your child returns to school after an absence,  please send a note to school to explain your child’s absence.  A doctor’s note is required for each absence when students have accumulated 10 or more absences. Please use these attachments to print an excuse note that you can fill out to return to school with your child.

The following information, provided by our RCS School Nurses, may be useful to help you decide if your child should stay home from school due to illness.



Bringing your child to school with the symptoms listed below puts other children and school

staff at risk of becoming ill. This information is offered so that you will have information tohelp you make a decision about your child attending school.


Here are some guidelines from your school nurse to help you decide:


Appearance, Behavior: If your child is unusually tired, pale or doesn’t want

to eat it may indicate an illness is beginning.


Fever: If your child has had a fever, do not send him/her back to school until their temperature is normal (less than 100° F) for 24 hours without taking medication. 


Eyes: If your child has mucus or pus coming from the eyes – this may be an eye infection that needs treatment. Keep your child at home and take him to your healthcare provider.


Nasal Drainage and/or Constant Cough:

If your child has drainage that is not clear, but yellow or green accompanied by a fever he/she should see a healthcare provider. A cough that is constant is very distracting in aclassroom. The teacher will be calling you to pick up your child if the cough is loud and constant.


Sore Throat: If your child has a sore throat with fever and/or swollen glands, he/she should stay home and see a healthcare provider. The flu can be treated if anti-viral medication is started early.


Diarrhea: If your child has 2 or more watery BMs in a 24 – hour period, they should stay home, especially if they also have nausea and look pale. If there is an accompanying

fever, see a healthcare provider.


Vomiting: If your child has vomited 2 or more times in the past 24 hours, please keep them at home. If there is an accompanying fever, see a healthcare provider.


Rash: If your child exhibits a body rash, especially with fever or itching, he/she should remain at home and be assessed by your healthcare provider. A heat

rash is not contagious and if there is no itching, your child may attend school.


Ear Infections without fever: Unless your child has ear pain, they can come to school but should see a healthcare provider.



Lice- If you are aware that your child is infected, please have them treated before bringing him/her back to school. Someone at school will check your child for live lice when they arrive and progress on the removal of all nits will be monitored.


Scabies – Children with scabies may be re-admitted to school after treatment. Documentation of diagnosis and treatment is important.


Fever: If your child has had a fever, do not send him/her back to school until their temperature is normal (less than 100° F) for 24 hours without taking medication.


Screenshot 2019-09-07 04.20.34.png

The following resources were shared during our Parent Training Night:


Article 29C:  N.C. Law


Kid Power 


Kids Against Bullying 


CDC's:  Bully RoundUp 


Bully Prevention


Volunteer Resources
Woman on Phone

Homework Assistance Line (HAL)


Rockingham County Schools’ Homework Assistance Line (“HAL”) is served by licensed teachers for students in grades K-12. Students or parents may call and have a teacher help them work out problems or explain assignments in core and advanced subject areas. 


Days / Hours of Operation:

Monday-Thursday  4:00 pm – 8:00 pm, beginning in September after Labor Day and ending one week before End-of-Grade Tests.


The Homework Assistance Line is closed every teacher workday, holiday, day before a holiday and when schools are closed or released early due to bad weather.



Our teachers have created the following choice boards to provide options for virtual learning that do not require the internet:

First grade

Second grade

Fourth grade

Winter Weather Choice Boards

Huntsville's PBIS Google Site


RCS Discipline Guide


Huntsville Elementary has been recognized for Exemplar status for school years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and  2018-2019.  We were recognized for Model status in 2019-2020.


PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention and Support and our school is currently utilizes all three PBIS modules.  PBIS uses a combination of published expectations and inventions to direct and correct student behavior without many of the negative/punitive measures inclusive of traditional behavior management models.


What all this means:

  1. Student behavior expectations are consistently monitored based on a matrix that the PBIS committee developed in the summer of 2010.  From that matrix, the students learn our school's PBIS motto: BARK (Be Safe, Act Responsibly, Respect Yourself and Others, Kindness is the Key).  The matrix and the motto are prominently displayed throughout the school building to serve as ever-present reminders.

  2. Throughout the 2010-2011 school year, the PBIS Committee collected data based on a list of expected behaviors for five of the common areas of our school (Hallways, Cafeteria, Car/Bus Traffic, Restrooms, and Playground) and has provided students with an acceptable voice level scheme: Level 0= no talking, Level 1= whisper, Level 2= normal, used for talking to the person next to you, Level 3= presenter, used when make a presentation to the class, Level 4= outside voice. Our efforts toward communicating and monitoring our students successful adherence to universal behavior expectations led to our school being recognized as a PBIS Green Ribbon School.

  3. Students are provided with specific, targeted instruction (video, lesson plans, publication of common area policy, and practice) prior to expectations being enforced in the common area that is our focus for a particular time period/month, so that students will know exactly how they are expected to behave in all the common areas of our school.


PAWS tickets are part of the incentives that have been developed to go along with our school's implementation of PBIS.  Students who are modeling extraordinary BARK (Be Safe, Act Responsibly, Respect self and others,Kindness is the Key) characteristics are rewarded with a PAWs ticket when any staff member stops them, points out what they are doing sowell, and presents them with a PAWS ticket.  PAWS are collected and entered into weekly and six-week drawings for prizes and rewards, so the more PAWS a student earns, the better his or her chances are for having one of his or her tickets pulled during the drawings.



If your child goes out of his or her way to help another student who may have dropped his or her books, lunch tray, etc., then a staff member who sees this may reward your child with a PAWS ticket. (Goes with Kindness is the Key part of BARK)


If your child chooses to stand quietly in line while the rest of the class is restless and wiggly,then a staff member who sees this may reward your child with a PAWS ticket. (Goes with Act Responsibly part of BARK)


Make sense? Ask your child if he or she has received any PAWS.  If so, please consider telling them and showing them how proud you are of them.


During the 2011-2012 school year our school participated in Module 2 and began to make targeted interventions to reinforce expected behaviors with our students who were still not successfully meeting our universal behavior expectations.  Our school was also recognized as a PBIS Model School.


During the 2012-2013 school year our school will be participating in Module 3 and will begin even more personalized, targeted interventions that may include our school's services as well as those services throughout our school community and county at large.


2013-2014:  Huntsville Elementary has been recognized as a PBIS Exemplar School!!! During this school year, we will continue to utilize Modules 1, 2, and 3 and are hopeful that we will see an even greater reduction in instructional time lost as a result of office discipline referrals (ODRs). We are excited about the prospects of utilizing community volunteers from Rockingham West Missional Network to more adequately support and nurture our students.


2014-current:  During these school years, we will continue to utilize Modules 1, 2, and 3 and plan to focus efforts on reducing number of office discipline referrals from the bus and/or related to bus behavior. Huntsville Elementary has been recognized for Exemplar status for school years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19..


Videos used to teach the expected behaviors for each of our common areas willbe linked below after they have been used by the classroom teacher to help students learn what is expected. Unlinked content indicates that the video is being revised and is not ready for public viewing.


Hallway Expectations


Cafeteria Expectations


Car and Bus Expectations


Restroom Expectations


Playground Expectations



Good evening Huntsville families!  This is Nathan Ziglar, Principal of Huntsville Elementary with your weekly announcements.   

Thursday, September 28th is an Early Release day for students.  Students will be dismissed at 12:45.  Friday, September 29th is a Teacher Workday which means there will be no school for students.  School will resume for students on Monday, October 2nd.  

I wanted to share that Huntsville Exceeded Growth last school year!  This accomplishment is a result of the hard work of our students, teachers, staff, and parents.  

As a reminder, all RCS campuses and facilities are smoke and tobacco free.  Thank you for helping maintain a healthy school environment for our students.  

Buenas tardes familias de Huntsville, Estos son sus anuncios semanales

To ensure student safety, all students will need to be dropped off in the car rider line in the morning. We ask that parents do not walk students in.  Thank you for your cooperation as we work to enhance our safety protocols.  

Los estudiantes deberán ser dejados y recogidos en el carril de pasajeros del automóvil por razones de seguridad. Pedimos a los padres que no entren la escuela. gracias por su cooperación para garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes

As a reminder, our doors open at 7:20 and students are tardy if they arrive after 7:45.  Please be at school by 7:40 to ensure you are not marked tardy.  We do not allow student check outs from 2:15-2:45.  If you must check your student out late in the day, it must be done before 2:15.  


Como recordatorio, los estudiantes deben estar en la escuela a las 7:40. No permitimos que los padres saquen a sus estudiantes después de las 2:15

If your child is a bus rider, please make sure you are present at the stop.  If no adult is present at the bus stop, the student will be returned to the school at the end of the route.  

Si su hijo viaje en un bus, asegurese que un adulto esta esperando en el parada o su hijo sera devuelto al escuela. Otro recordatorio, desayuno y almuerzo son gratis este ano. Si los estudiantes traen el almuerzo de casa, asegúrese de que la bolsa no anunico ningún restaurante.

As a reminder, breakfast and lunch is free for all students this year!  Students however are not allowed to have outside food in a container that advertises the restaurant.  

Don’t forget to sign up and join our PTO to support our teachers and students.  The link to join PTO can be found on our school website.  

Our school fundraiser is almost over.  Paper orders need to be turned in to the office by Monday.  Online orders can still be taken through Friday of this week.  

This concludes our weekly announcements.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Huntsville Elementary School at 336-427-3266.


Thank you for all you do to support Huntsville Elementary School.


Have a great evening!


No olvide registrarse en PTO para apoyar a nuestros maestros y estudiantes. El enlace se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la escuela. Con esto concluyen nuestros anuncios semanales. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dudas contactanos en la escuela a 336-427-3266. Gracias por su apoyo en Huntsville. Que tengas buen noche. 


Good evening Huntsville families!  This is Nathan Ziglar, Principal of Huntsville Elementary with your weekly announcements.   

I wanted to share that Huntsville Exceeded Growth last school year!  This accomplishment is a result of the hard work of our students, teachers, staff, and parents.  

As a reminder, all RCS campuses and facilities are smoke and tobacco free.  Thank you for helping maintain a healthy school environment for our students.  

Buenas tardes familias de Huntsville, Estos son sus anuncios semanales

To ensure student safety, all students will need to be dropped off in the car rider line in the morning. We ask that parents do not walk students in.  Thank you for your cooperation as we work to enhance our safety protocols.  

Los estudiantes deberán ser dejados y recogidos en el carril de pasajeros del automóvil por razones de seguridad. Pedimos a los padres que no entren la escuela. gracias por su cooperación para garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes

As a reminder, our doors open at 7:20 and students are tardy if they arrive after 7:45.  Please be at school by 7:40 to ensure you are not marked tardy.  We do not allow student check outs from 2:15-2:45.  If you must check your student out late in the day, it must be done before 2:15.  

As a reminder to car riders, please ensure students exit and enter the car on the sidewalk side of the vehicle.  Make sure to hang the tag on your rearview mirror for the students you are picking up.  If you still need a hangtag, the link will be reposted on ClassDojo..  Both of these procedures help ensure student safety.

Como recordatorio, los estudiantes deben estar en la escuela a las 7:40. No permitimos que los padres saquen a sus estudiantes después de las 2:15

If your child is a bus rider, please make sure you are present at the stop.  If no adult is present at the bus stop, the student will be returned to the school at the end of the route.  

Si su hijo viaje en un bus, asegurese que un adulto esta esperando en el parada o su hijo sera devuelto al escuela. Otro recordatorio, desayuno y almuerzo son gratis este ano. Si los estudiantes traen el almuerzo de casa, asegúrese de que la bolsa no anunico ningún restaurante.

As a reminder, breakfast and lunch is free for all students this year!  Students however are not allowed to have outside food in a container that advertises the restaurant.  

It's Book Fair time!   Beginning on Thursday, September 14, students will get to experience our school's first-ever Literati Book Fair.  The Literati Book Fair will be open through Monday, September 18.  Thank you for helping us build excitement about these events by considering granting the book fair wishes your child and our teachers may share with you via paper or Class Dojo.  Volunteers are always welcome.  Please contact Mrs. Edrington in the Media Center if you can help during any part of any day. Our book fair pages will be linked via Class Dojo and our school's website.

Change made here

Por favor, haz planes para unirse a nosotros el miércoles 13 de septiembre a las 6 en la tarde para nuestra noche anual de regreso a clases. Durante este tiempo usted puede visitar el salon de clases de su hijo, tener la oportunidad de comprar en la feria del libro y recibir información sobre nuestra escuela. Vamos a dar un libro gratis a cada estudiante que asista. Por favor mira DOJO para obtener un enlace para registrarse y confirmar su asistencia.


Es hora de la feria del libro! La feria del libro comenzará el martes 5 de septiembre y cerrará el 18 de septiembre. Los voluntarios pueden venir a ayudar en la feria del libro. Puede comunicar  con la Sra. Edrington si desea hacerlo.

Don’t forget to sign up and join our PTO to support our teachers and students.  The link to join PTO can be found on our school website.  

This concludes our announcement.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Huntsville Elementary School at 336-427-3266.


Thank you for all you do to support Huntsville Elementary School.


Have a great evening!


No olvide registrarse en PTO para apoyar a nuestros maestros y estudiantes. El enlace se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la escuela. Con esto concluyen nuestros anuncios semanales. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dudas contactanos en la escuela a 336-427-3266. Gracias por su apoyo en Huntsville. Que tengas buen noche. 


Good evening Huntsville families!  This is Nathan Ziglar, Principal of Huntsville Elementary with your weekly announcements.   

As a reminder, all RCS campuses and facilities are smoke and tobacco free.  Thank you for helping maintain a healthy school environment for our students.  

Buenas tardes familias de Huntsville, Estos son sus anuncios semanales

To ensure student safety, all students will need to be dropped off in the car rider line in the morning. We ask that parents do not walk students in.  Thank you for your cooperation as we work to enhance our safety protocols.  

Los estudiantes deberán ser dejados y recogidos en el carril de pasajeros del automóvil por razones de seguridad. Pedimos a los padres que no entren la escuela. gracias por su cooperación para garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes

As a reminder, our doors open at 7:20 and students are tardy if they arrive after 7:45.  Please be at school by 7:40 to ensure you are not marked tardy.  We do not allow student check outs from 2:15-2:45.  If you must check your student out late in the day, it must be done before 2:15.  

As a reminder to car riders, please ensure students exit and enter the car on the sidewalk side of the vehicle.  If you have not received your hang-tag, please let your student’s teacher know.  Both of these procedures help ensure student safety.

Como recordatorio, los estudiantes deben estar en la escuela a las 7:40. No permitimos que los padres saquen a sus estudiantes después de las 2:15

If your child is a bus rider, please make sure you are present at the stop.  If no adult is present at the bus stop, the student will be returned to the school at the end of the route.  

Si su hijo viaje en un bus, asegurese que un adulto esta esperando en el parada o su hijo sera devuelto al escuela. Otro recordatorio, desayuno y almuerzo son gratis este ano. Si los estudiantes traen el almuerzo de casa, asegúrese de que la bolsa no anunico ningún restaurante.

As a reminder, breakfast and lunch is free for all students this year!  Students however are not allowed to have outside food in a container that advertises the restaurant.  

It's Book Fair time!  Our school's first Scholastic Book Fair will open on Tuesday, September 5 (in the afternoon) and will be open through Wednesday, September 13.  Beginning on Thursday, September 14, students will get to experience our school's first-ever Literati Book Fair.  The Literati Book Fair will be open through Monday, September 18.  Thank you for helping us build excitement about these events by considering granting the book fair wishes your child and our teachers may share with you via paper or Class Dojo.  Volunteers are always welcome.  Please contact Mrs. Edrington in the Media Center if you can help during any part of any day. Our book fair pages will be linked via Class Dojo and our school's website.

Please plan to join us Wednesday, September 13th at 6:00 for Huntsville's "Bark" to School and Title I Annual Meeting.  The night will include :

  • A visit to your child’s classroom for information about curriculum expectations and daily routines

  • An opportunity to shop at the Book  Fair

  • Information about our Title I program

  • A free book for every student in attendance

If you have not RSVPed using the link shared via Dojo, it is not too late. Don't miss out on this opportunity to support your student!!! 

Por favor, haz planes para unirse a nosotros el miércoles 13 de septiembre a las 6 en la tarde para nuestra noche anual de regreso a clases. Durante este tiempo usted puede visitar el salon de clases de su hijo, tener la oportunidad de comprar en la feria del libro y recibir información sobre nuestra escuela. Vamos a dar un libro gratis a cada estudiante que asista. Por favor mira DOJO para obtener un enlace para registrarse y confirmar su asistencia.


Es hora de la feria del libro! La feria del libro comenzará el martes 5 de septiembre y cerrará el 18 de septiembre. Los voluntarios pueden venir a ayudar en la feria del libro. Puede comunicar  con la Sra. Edrington si desea hacerlo.

Next week our Kindergarten students will be learning about a different color each day.  We want to support our Kindergarten students by wearing that color each day. 

Monday: wear Orange

Tuesday: wear Black/White

Wednesday: wear Brown

Thursday: wear Pink

Friday: wear Purple


Esta  semana, estudiantes en Kindergarten  van a aprender los colores. Ayudanos apoyarlos y pon ese color ropa por cada dia:

Lunes - Naranja

Martes - negro o blanco

Miercoles - cafe 

Jueves - rosa

Viernes - violeta

Don’t forget to sign up and join our PTO to support our teachers and students.  The link to join PTO can be found on our school website.  

This concludes our announcement.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Huntsville Elementary School at 336-427-3266.


Thank you for all you do to support Huntsville Elementary School.


Have a great evening!


No olvide registrarse en PTO para apoyar a nuestros maestros y estudiantes. El enlace se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la escuela. Con esto concluyen nuestros anuncios semanales. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dudas contactanos en la escuela a 336-427-3266. Gracias por su apoyo en Huntsville. Que tengas buen noche. 


Good evening Huntsville families!  This is Nathan Ziglar, Principal of Huntsville Elementary with your weekly announcements.  

School will be closed on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day.  School will resume on Tuesday, September 5th. 

I wanted to say thank you to our awesome students, teachers, and parents for a great start to the school year.  

As a reminder, all RCS campuses and facilities are smoke and tobacco free.  Thank you for helping maintain a healthy school environment for our students.  


Buenas tardes familias de Huntsville, Estos son sus anuncios semanales. La escuela estará cerrada el lunes por el feriado del Día del Trabajo. Gracias a nuestros increíbles estudiantes, padres y personal por una excelente primera semana. Recuerde que somos un campus libre de tabaco. Gracias por apoyarnos con esto.

To ensure student safety, all students will need to be dropped off in the car rider line in the morning. We ask that parents do not walk students in.  Thank you for your cooperation as we work to enhance our safety protocols.  

Your student received a lot of information last week.  Please review this information and return any necessary forms back to school.

Los estudiantes deberán ser dejados y recogidos en el carril de pasajeros del automóvil por razones de seguridad. Pedimos a los padres que no entren la escuela. gracias por su cooperación para garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes


As a reminder, our doors open at 7:20 and students are tardy if they arrive after 7:45.  Please be at school by 7:40 to ensure you are not marked tardy.  We do not allow student check outs from 2:15-2:45.  If you must check your student out late in the day, it must be done before 2:15.  

As a reminder to car riders, please ensure students exit and enter the car on the sidewalk side of the vehicle.  If you have not received your hang-tag, please let your student’s teacher know.  Both of these procedures help ensure student safety.

Como recordatorio, los estudiantes deben estar en la escuela a las 7:40. No permitimos que los padres saquen a sus estudiantes después de las 2:15

If your child is a bus rider, please make sure you are present at the stop.  If no adult is present at the bus stop, the student will be returned to the school at the end of the route.  

Si su hijo viaje en un bus, asegurese que un adulto esta esperando en el parada o su hijo sera devuelto al escuela. Otro recordatorio, desayuno y almuerzo son gratis este ano. Si los estudiantes traen el almuerzo de casa, asegúrese de que la bolsa no anunico ningún restaurante.

As a reminder, breakfast and lunch is free for all students this year!  Students however are not allowed to have outside food in a container that advertises the restaurant.  

It's Book Fair time!  Our school's first Scholastic Book Fair will open on Tuesday, September 5 (in the afternoon) and will be open through Wednesday, September 13.  Beginning on Thursday, September 14, students will get to experience our school's first-ever Literati Book Fair.  The Literati Book Fair will be open through Monday, September 18.  Thank you for helping us build excitement about these events by considering granting the book fair wishes your child and our teachers may share with you via paper or Class Dojo.  Volunteers are always welcome.  Please contact Mrs. Edrington in the Media Center if you can help during any part of any day. Our book fair pages will be linked via Class Dojo and our school's website.

Es hora de la feria del libro! La feria del libro comenzará el martes 5 de septiembre y cerrará el 18 de septiembre. Los voluntarios pueden venir a ayudar en la feria del libro. Puede comunicar  con la Sra. Edrington si desea hacerlo.

Next week our Kindergarten students will be learning about a different color each day.  We want to support our Kindergarten students by wearing that color each day. 

Tuesday: wear red

Wednesday: wear Yellow

Thursday: wear Blue

Friday: wear Green 


Esta  semana, estudiantes en Kindergarten  van a aprender los colores. Ayudanos apoyarlos y pon ese color ropa por cada dia:

Martes - Rojo

Miercoles - amarillo 

Jueves - Azul 

Viernes - verde 

Don’t forget to sign up and join our PTO to support our teachers and students.  The link to join PTO can be found on our school website.  

This concludes our announcement.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Huntsville Elementary School at 336-427-3266.


Thank you for all you do to support Huntsville Elementary School.


Have a great evening!


No olvide registrarse en PTO para apoyar a nuestros maestros y estudiantes. El enlace se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la escuela. Con esto concluyen nuestros anuncios semanales. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dudas contactanos en la escuela a 336-427-3266. Gracias por su apoyo en Huntsville. Que tengas buen noche. 



Good evening Huntsville families!  This is Nathan Ziglar, Principal of Huntsville Elementary with your weekly announcements.  

We are excited for the first day of school and can’t wait to see our scholars tomorrow!

Our school doors will open at 7:20 for student drop-off.  Our instructional day starts at 7:45, which means any students arriving at school at 7:45 or after would be counted tardy and a parent/guardian would need to come inside and sign them in.  Parents/guardians must have a state issued ID or driver’s license to sign their student in/out using the Ident-A-Kid system.

On Monday, August 28th, we will allow parents to walk students to their class, however we recommend you begin dropping them off in the drop off lane to start setting this routine into practice.  If you plan to walk your student in, you must park in the parking lot, receive a visitor sticker from the office, and go only to your student’s class.  We ask that you drop your student off promptly, as this is not a time to meet with the teacher.  Beginning Tuesday, August 29th, only parents/guardians of Kindergarten students can walk their student in.  All other students must be dropped off in the drop off lane.  Thank you for helping build this routine from the start of school.  

Bus riders will be dismissed beginning at 2:35 and escorted to the bus by a teacher.  Parents/guardians who are picking up their students should create a double line system, traveling around the upper lot before entering the drop off line.  Staff will be assigned to help with traffic control.  Car riders will be escorted to the cafeteria at 2:45 where they will wait until their name is called.  Once their name is called, students will go to their number cone and wait for their ride to pull up to and stop at the designated cone.  Please be patient with the car rider process the first few weeks of school.  

We do not allow student check outs from 2:15-2:45.  If you must check your student out late in the day, it must be done before 2:15.  

As a reminder, breakfast and lunch is free for all students this year!  Students are not allowed to have outside food in a container that advertises the restaurant.  

If your student is a bus rider, please be patient with the bus for the first few days.  If you signed up for the parent portal bus app, please be aware that the app is only as good as the information supplied to it.  As we make changes to buses in the first few days, the app should update as well.  

This is a very important message for parents/guardians of our kindergartners.  NC legislation requires all newly enrolled kindergarten students to have a health assessment(physical) and their completed immunization record on file at school by the 30th day after enrollment.  The deadline for this information is 9/26/23.  The blank health assessment form was supplied within the kindergarten enrollment packet and must be completed by a licensed health care provider. A wellness visit within the past 12 months of the first day of school can be accepted and documented on the provided blue form. If your child has not already received these health requirements, please schedule an appointment now by contacting your child’s health care provider or the Rockingham County Health Department.  For questions or more information, please contact our school nurse Sharon Ellis at 336-427-3266.   


This concludes our weekly announcement.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Huntsville Elementary School at 336-427-3266.


Thank you for all you do to support Huntsville Elementary School.


Have a great evening.

Transcripts of Weekly Messages
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