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RCS AIG Program


If you have questions or concerns about the AIG program or your child's AIG services, please contact Mrs. Lisa Miller, AIG Lead Teacher for Rockingham County Schools at 634-3209, extension 49221.

RCS AIG Advisory Board

Rockingham County’s AIG Advisory Board oversees the revision process and makes recommendations to be included in our AIG plan.  This board is composed of administrators, AIG teachers, classroom teachers, parents, at least one guidance counselor, and a school board member.  The teachers come from elementary, middle and high schools and many are parents as well.  Minority representation is present.  Members share input from parents, students, and community as recommendations for revisions are made.  Members of the board serve two-year terms on a rotating basis and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan yearly. If you are interested in serving on the AIG Advisory Board, please contact Lisa Miller, AIG Lead Teacher at 336-634-3209, ext. 49221 or through email at


Each elementary, middle, and high school has an AIG Advisory Council made of a cross-section of stakeholders.  Recommendations from these groups are referred to the county advisory group. 

Each spring, the identification/placement teams at the elementary and middle schools review multiple sources of data to determine the best placement for current AIG students the next year and to consider new AIG placements for the upcoming school year. No student is exited from the program unless it is requested by the parent. Any parent, teacher, student, or community member who has academic knowledge of a student can submit a student's name to the school's Instructional Coach for possible consideration as placement in the AIG Program. In order for a student to be placed in the Rockingham County Schools' Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Program, the placement criteria must be met. 


The vision and mission of Rockingham County Schools' AIG program are in alignment with the district's vision and mission.


Vision 2020 Statement

The Rockingham County Schools' Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) program will empower each child to be a life-long learner, equipped to contribute in a changing, complex society. 


Mission Statement

Through effective relationships with family and community partners, the Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) program of the Rockingham County School district will provide a safe, dynamic, nurturing, and innovative learning environment in which each child has the opportunity to reach his/her highest potential. To do this effectively, elementary, middle, and high schools will strive to identify and meet the unique educational needs of gifted students who come from all ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic groups. The cultivation of potential in this population must be enhanced through an appropriate match of differentiated services to individual needs as we strive to prepare the students for success in the 21st century. The program encourages critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving, while also addressing the social and emotional needs of the students.




Academically or intellectually gifted students perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment. Academically or intellectually gifted students exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or in both intellectual areas and specific academic fields. Academically or intellectually gifted students require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular educational program. Outstanding abilities are present in students from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor. (From Article 9-B)


Definición - Estudiantes con talentos académicos e intelectuales desempeñan o demuestran su potencial para realizar niveles muy avanzados de logros cuando se comparan con los de otros estudiantes que son de la misma edad, o que tienen la misma experiencia y medio de desarrollo. Estudiantes con talentos académicos e intelectuales demuestran habilidades de alto rendimiento en áreas intelectuales, campos académicos específicos o en ambos campos académicos y áreas intelectuales. Estudiantes con talentos intelectuales y académicos necesitan servicios educativos más avanzados y diferentes a los programas de educación regular. Se hacen presentes habilidades extraordinarias en estudiantes de todo tipo de grupos culturales, niveles económicos y en todo tipo de áreas que el ser humano sea capaz de desarrollar. (Del articulo 9-B)


North Carolina  Gifted Law (Article 9B)

For twenty-five years North Carolina has been a leader in advocacy and legislation for providing an appropriate education for academically gifted students. In August 1996, the General Assembly passed new legislation which changed gifted education in the state. The law, Article 9B, created a multi-tiered system of responsibility and accountability for building a foundation for North Carolina's gifted children. All parts of the foundation — the State Board of Education, the Department of Public Instruction, the local board of education and its system's administration, teachers, parents, and the community — must work together to support the state's high-potential children. The students themselves have also been given responsibility for using the options and support available to them and for working to demonstrate successful performance. (NCAGT website - )


Article 9B 

State Definition of AIG Students, Article 9B (N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5)
Academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) students perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experiences or environment. Academically or intellectually gifted students exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields, or in both the intellectual areas and specific academic fields. Academically or intellectually gifted students require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular educational program. Outstanding abilities are present in students from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.


As the AIG Department continues to meet our students' needs, we welcome suggestions and comments. Please contact Mrs. Lisa Miller -


AIG Advisory Board

RCS Plan & Standards

AIG Plan & Standards

AIG 2016-2019 Plan

School districts in North Carolina are required to create a new AIG Plan and submit it to the State Board of Education every three years. All AIG plans have to be reviewed and approved by the local school board before they are submitted to the state. The AIG Program Standards provide guidance to districts on what should be addressed in the AIG plans, and it is expected that a variety of stakeholders are involved in this process. 


During the fall of 2015, data was collected from parents, students, teachers, community members, and administrators to determine our AIG program strengths and areas that are in need of improvement. The district's AIG Advisory Board and AIG Plan Review Team met in early 2016 to review the data and make goals for the 2016-2019 AIG Plan. The AIG department worked with stakeholders in these advisory groups to make necessary changes to the district's criteria for AIG identification and placement and how services are delivered to AIG students. The aim is to ensure that all students get an appropriately challenging curriculum, all day, every day. Other changes in the new plan include AIG identification and placement at the high school level and the identification of intellectually gifted students.


The new AIG plan for 2016-2019 can be found through the link below: 

AIG Program Standards

The NC AIG Program Standards were approved by the State Board of Education on July 9, 2009. Revised program standards were approved as State Board of Education Policy in October 2015. The NC AIG Program Standards have been developed to serve as a statewide framework and guide LEAs to develop, coordinate, and implement thoughtful and comprehensive AIG programs. These standards reflect Article 9B (N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5-.08) and nationally-accepted best practices in gifted education.


Furthermore, the AIG Program Standards help ensure that the needs of AIG students are met and the potential of AIG students is optimally developed. The Program Standards serve as the official guidelines for the development of local AIG plans.


The most recent adopted AIG Program Standards can be accessed through the link below.


Gifted Child

Dispelling Myths, Serving Students

“Myths are created and continue to exist because they  explain phenomena that are not easily understood or appear to validate ambiguous ideas with ambiguous evidence” (Kaplan, 2009)


For decades, myths related to gifted education have had detrimental effects on providing quality instruction for our nation’s high-ability learners. These myths have affected every facet of the field, and in turn have distorted the perception of not only what gifted students need in the classroom, but also what they can offer the nation now and into the future.

Common Myths

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)


What is the CogAT?

The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) measures a child's ability to reason and apply previous knowledge to new situations. The CogAT measures learned reasoning and problem solving skills in three different areas in grades K-12. In Rockingham County Schools, the CogAT is administered to all students in grade 3 to determine students' eligibility for the AIG program. However, the CogAT can be administered to any K-12 student when a student has been referred to the AIG department. Due to the nature of the test, a student is eligible to take the CogAT every two years if it is requested. 


In grades K-2, the teacher reads all the sample and test items to the students. All of the questions are multiple-choice with four pictorial answer choices; therefore, no reading skills are necessary. Students mark their answers directly in their test booklets under the picture they have chosen for the correct answer. The CogAT is not a timed test in grades K - 2.


For grades 3-12, the teacher reads the directions, leads students through the sample problems, then the students work through the test independently, recording answers on "bubble sheets." Although the test is timed in grades 3-12, enough time is allowed for most of the students to complete most of the items.


Is the CogAT an IQ test?

No, it measures reasoning abilities.


Is the CogAT a measure of achievement?

No, it is a measure of reasoning ability in specific aptitude areas.


What are the areas in the CogAT?


VERBAL Battery 

Grades K - 2                                               Grades 3-12

Oral Vocabulary                                         Verbal Classification

Verbal Reasoning                                      Sentence Completion

                                                                    Verbal Analogies



Grades K - 2                                                Grades 3-12

Relational Concepts                                   Quantitative Relations

Quantitative Concepts                               Number Series

                                                                     Equation Building



Grades K - 2                                               Grades 3-12

Figure Classification                                  Figure Classification

Matrices                                                      Figure Analogies

                                                                     Figure Analysis


How do the three batteries of the CogAT in grades K-2 differ?


Verbal Battery:

In grades K-2, the Verbal Battery consists of two subtests which appraise verbal reasoning, problem solving, and verbal comprehension. It is a measure of verbal abilities.


Oral Vocabulary:  - measures the size and depth of a student's general vocabulary.


Verbal Reasoning: - measures inductive, deductive, and general verbal reasoning abilities by using situations commonly encountered by young children and require them to make inferences, judgments, or to remember sequences. 


Quantitative Battery:

The two quantitative subtests appraise general abstract reasoning skills, particularly inductive reasoning and specific mathematical reasoning skills. It is a measure of math abilities.


Relational Concepts: The majority of questions in this subtest require judgments of relative position, size or amount.


Quantitative Concepts: This test requires students to solve simple story problems and to complete mathematical series problems.


Nonverbal Battery:

The two subtests on the Nonverbal Battery are Figure Classification and Matrices, and they appraise inductive reasoning skills. It assesses a student's ability in spatial and abstract thinking. This reasoning also refers to how well students solve problems using shapes and figures. This battery differs from the Verbal and Quantitative batteries in that it does not require the student to use information gained from other experiences to solve a problem.       


Figure Classification:

Students have to detect the essential similarities among the figures, generate the rule or principle that explains the relationship, and to select the answer picture that goes with the given figures.



Students are given a four-cell matrix with one empty cell. They determine the relationships among the three given elements and select the picture that completes the matrix.


When is the CogAT given?

In Rockingham County, the CogAT is given to in a whole group setting to 3rd grade students in late fall of each school year. 


How is the CogAT used?

The CogAT provides teachers with information they can use to adapt instruction to the individual needs of the student.


Based on CogAT, it helps identify students whose academic achievement is not where expected, either higher or lower.


It helps in identifying students whose predicted levels of achievement differ markedly from their observed levels of achievement (grades, benchmark tests, etc.).


Reasoning abilities have substantial correlations with learning and problem solving. CogAT's measurement of three different content domains ensures that educators receive a balanced view of the child, especially when coupled with measures of school achievement.


The CogAT is a measure of each student's level of cognitive development.


In the Rockingham County Schools' AIG Plan, it is included as criteria for gifted identification and placement. We look at the verbal CogAT score when considering students for the English Language Arts area of the gifted program. When considering students for the gifted program in the area of math, we look at the quantitative CogAT score. To be placed in the AIG program, students have to be at the 90th percentile or higher in the Verbal or the Quantitative area. 

Resources for Parents

Resources for Parents

Gifted Associations and Research Centers

North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented


National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)



Advocacy Toolkit 


Advocacy for the Gifted 


National Research Center for the Gifted and Talented


Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) 



American Association for Gifted Children at Duke University  



Gifted Resources (Commercial)

This game can be purchased at retail stores, and there is a daily online puzzle on the following website.


A publication resource for gifted and advance learners


A Nation Deceived - How Schools Hold Back America's Brightest Students is a free download at


Enrichment Programs/Talent Searches


Governor's School of North Carolina


Math Resources      AAA Math features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows thorough mastery of the concepts. A wide range of lessons (Kindergarten through Eighth grade level) enables learning or review to occur at each individual's current level. Try the lesson pages by clicking on one of the grades at the top or a topic area on the left side of the page.

Resources for Students

Resources for Students

Brain Teasers   - A collection of links from Hoagie's Gifted.


Games - You can solve various themed puzzles by creating computer codes. - You can solve a variety of problems here.


For ages 1-9 - tests short term memory.     This is an excellent exercise in visual spatial relationships and memory. Once you have accomplished it with the black squares in one place, then move the black square around and try again. This puzzle exercises the right brain very effectively.


For ages 1-9-  - This site is filled with games that will give you practice in skills you're learning at school. They're fun, too!! - offers fun learning activities for students, ages 9 and up. There are a variety of engaging games, puzzles, and activities that are connected to major subject areas in today's school curriculum. - A potpourri of educational games, etc. Try it - it's fun! - This is one of my all time favorite games - and it's for all ages. You can purchase it at Barnes and Noble. There are other games on this website that you'll enjoy. 




Thanks to Alex in Colorado Springs! 


The following link has LOTS of different types of calculators. Many thanks to A. Finley for sending me this link. 




K-5 Great site for students and teachers - When it comes to creative uses of Google tools, Tom Barrett is certainly a leader that we can all learn from. A great example of this can be found in Tom's Math MapsMath Maps are Google Maps on which Tom and others have created placemarks which when clicked reveal mathematics questions for students to answer based on the maps. There are questions available for every elementary school grade level. The placemarks are color-coded to indicate the level of the questions. Blue = Kindergarten, Red = 1st grade, Green = 2nd grade, Light Blue = 3rd grade, Yellow = 4th grade, Purple = 5th grade. Visit Tom Barrett's Math Maps page to view the existing Math Maps and read about how to contribute to the existing Math Maps.


Math Open Reference is a free online reference for geometry teachers and students. Math Open Reference features animated and interactive drawings to demonstrate geometry terms and concepts. The table of contents on Math Open Reference is divided into four basic categories; plane geometry, coordinate geometry, solid geometry, and function explorer tools. Click on any subject in the first three categories to find definitions, examples, and interactive drawings. In the function explorer category users can select linear functions, quadratic functions, or cubic functions to explore how changes in variables affect the graphed output. Learn Your Tablesis a neat little site for students to use to learn and develop multiplication skills. The site offers two basic games on two different levels. The most basic game is a simple drag and drop activity in which students match equations to their correct answers. The more "advanced" game has students enter the correct answer to a multiplication question. The easier of the two levels only contains problems from one multiplication table while the more difficult level contains problems from multiple multiplication tables. - If you need an algebraic concept explained, you might just find some answers here. - Cool math 4 kids is an amusement park of math and more - especially designed for fun, fun, fun!! - an action-packed site for elementary and middle school students. Practice your math skills, play a logic game and have some fun!  - For prealgebra and up (ages 13-100)  AAA Math features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows thorough mastery of the concepts. A wide range of lessons (Kindergarten through Eighth grade level) enables learning or review to occur at each individual's current level. Try the lesson pages by clicking on one of the grades at the top or a topic area on the left side of the page.



Language Arts

Knoword is a fun and challenging game that tests your ability to match definitions to words. Knowordis played like this; you're presented with the first letter of a word, its part of speech, and the definition. You then have to fill in the correct spelling of the word. If you enter the correct word, you earn points. If you don't get it right, you lose points.
You don't have to register to play Knoword, but you can register if you want. Registering for Knoword gives you the option to keep track of your game statistics. Registered users can also earn badges based on their performances. Knoword is probably best suited to use by students in middle school and high school although upper elementary students with a very high vocabulary may find it beneficial. - (elementary and middle school students) This site promotes poetry and activities involving poetry for children along with information about the books of Kristine George. - (Elementary) Listen to Shel Silverstein's poems, play games, and download puzzles. - (elementary students) A site created by author and illustrator Dav Pilkey who wrote The Paperboy, Kat Kong, and Dogzilla. - (primary and elementary students)Lots of activities for primary and elementary students from the author, Jan Brett. - a site for primary students from Laura Numeroff who wrote  If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. (elementary) You can find unpublished works here along with audios of some of Robert Munsch's stories. (elementary) This is a web site of European myths and legends for children. The site is available in eight different languages, including English and French. (middle/high) A growing collection of full text reference works including dictionaries, encyclopedias, gazetteers, and style manuals in addition to works of poetry, folk and fairy tales, essays, and classic fiction. Look on the right side bar for the drop down box to select the work. (middle/high) Lots of inofrmation about Jane Austen and her works. (elementary/middle/high) A site focusing on how Mark Twain and his works were created and defined, marketed and performed, reviewed and appreciated. (middle/high) This site offers photos, FAQ's, a family tree, trivia, and links related to the famous American author, Ernest Heminway. (middle/elementary)This folklore site contains retellings of American folktales, Native American myths and legends, tall tales, weather folklore and ghost stories from all 50 states in the USA. Includes famous characters like Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, Daniel Boone, and many more. (primary) This official Berenstain Bears site includes activities and lists of books.   The official and definitive site on the world of Beatrix Potter. Potter's favorite characters and other aspects of her work can be viewed at a wide selection of art exhibitions, theatrical performances, displays and local events.


Classics for Kids -

Do you know students who are interested in composing their own music? Who want to know more about the different instrument families? Who need to get those musical periods down once and for all? If so, then this Web site is for them. Students can search composers by musical period, by country, or browse for a particular composer on a timeline. One link allows visitors to listen to entire movements of famous pieces by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Mendelssohn, and more. A musical dictionary might come in handy for those cryptic musical terms. There also are games to play, including Compose Your Own Music and Rockin' Rhythm Master.


Sites for Girls:  (elementary/middle) An American Girl  website with games and activities from the stories told through the eyes of girls living in different time periods. 


Sites with articles for children:



Science Sites  Need help coming up with a science experiment? Visit this website to learn how to do a science experiment and to find many ideas for science experiments. All of the science experiments are rated on a scale of 1-10 according to difficulty. Free science fair project ideas, answers and tools for serious students



The Arts

Music and Musicians Database -

Brought to you by the Los Angeles Philharmonic, this site allows people to browse music by title or composer. One can search for biographies of composers, conductors, musical artists, or even Los Angeles Philharmonic musicians. When conducting a search by composer, it displays upcoming performance dates at Walt Disney Concert Hall featuring that person's pieces. Also included are audio samples of various musical works.


High School 

SAT Question of the Day -

It's not too early to start practicing for the SAT! This page is provided by the College Board and features a daily practice question to help students prepare for the test. There is a link to a hint for those who are stumped. Students can see how well they stacked up against everyone else who tried this item. In addition, students can sign in to track their own statistics and may print practice questions.



The Smithsonian for Students -

If the movie Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian whetted your appetite to learn more about the Smithsonian Museum collection, then this site will get you even more excited about the museum's 142 million objects, including everything from fossils to tapestries. On this site you will find profiles of our nation's presidents, a "Walking on the Moon" Apollo 11 mission page, and some of the Smithsonian's collections as well as tips for starting your own collection. The Secrets of the Smithsonian features behind-the-scenes secrets such as the history of the Hope Diamond and even spiders in space!


Awards  Coretta Scott King Awards - presented annually by the American Library Association to honor African-American authors and illustrators who create outstanding books for children and young adults. 

The Caldecott Medal was named in honor of nineteenth-century English illustrator Randolph Caldecott. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children. 

The Newbery Medal was named for eighteenth-century British bookseller John Newbery. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children.

High School

High School

At the high school level, students are able to self-select courses and participate in special activities.  This self-selection process is supported through counseling, DEP meetings, and reommendations from teachers, instructional coaches, and school counselors.  Studnets have the option to pursue Honors and Advanced Placement classes as well as High School Academics.  All students can participate in a Virtual Academy.  These online courses are taken in addition to the regular coursework and the majority of the offerings are at an advanced level. 


Each student has the option of attending a traditional high school program of one ofthe following academies:

-Reidsville High School - IB Program or Creative Design and Arts Academy

-Rockingham County High School - Public Safety Academy

-Morehead High School - Heath Science Academy

-McMichael High School - STEM Academy

-Rockingham Early College High School


Students may also participate in the following extracurricular activities:

-Battle of the Books

-Science Fair

-Academic Challenge Competition 

AIG Instructional Coaches

Bethany Elementary: Kim Shotwell


Central Elementary: Cher Delapp


Dillard Academy: Tina Whitten


Douglass Elementary: Tania Martin


Huntsville Elementary: Mary Kirkpatrick


Holmes Middle: Brittany Knowles


Leaksville-Spray Elementary: Renee Combs


Lincoln Elementary: Melissa Bailey 


McMichael High: Sherry Barnett 


Monroeton Elementary: Marcy Piotrowski


Morehead High: Kimberly Thompson


Reidsville Middle School: Jennifer Walkinshaw


Reidsville High School:  Brett Denney


Rockingham County High: Jennifer Rash 


Rockingham County Early College High: Stephanie Dickens


Rockingham County Middle: Melissa Winant


South End Elementary: Scottie Penn


Stoneville Elementary: Denise Sears


Western Rockingham Middle: Michelle Casto


Wentworth Elementary: Meredith Hawkins


Williamsburg Elementary: Wendy McKinney 

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